Appart from being a meeting place for its members SAAFA actively promotes the image of the SAAF and its members. Indeed, the two-fold activity of having fun while raising funds continues to produce excellent results over the years. Funds raised thus are distributed via the Association's Care of the Aged programme.
All persons who serve in, or once served in the SAAF (PF or CF), or in any other Allied Air Force, are eligible to join this unique fraternity.
SAAFA branches are active all over Southern Africa: Bloemfontein, Cape Town, Durban, East Rand (Benoni), Johannesburg, Kimberley, Lower South Coast (Margate), Laeveld (Hoedspruit), Namibia (Windhoek), Outeniqua (George/Knysna), Pietermaritzburg, Port Alfred, Port Elizabeth, Pretoria, Stilfontein, Soutpansberg (Machado/Louis Trichardt) and West Coast (Langebaan/Vredenburg). The SA Korean War Veterans Association also has branch status with the SAAFA.
Membership brings participation in many activities, enjoying life wining and dining, raffles, sport events, special outings, regular luncheons at which distinguished persons from industry and commerce address the gathering and chat afterwards. How about golf, horse racing, bowls and "Fly-in-Braai" days and many more interesting events?!
Members are entitled to wear the distinctive SAAFA tie, blazer badge and other insignia, and to participate in all SAAFA activities at Branch level. They are also encouraged to participate in the on-going worthwhile projects of the Association. Less fortunate SAAFA members and their dependents are being assisted in their well being. An ever-increasing percentage of funds raised are being channeled towards the Care of the Aged programme.
A national newsletter is distributed via email regularly free-of-charge, while several branches send out their own newsletters.
Office bearers:
National President Trevor Slade
National Vice President Bill De Pinho
Country Vice Presidents Marthie Visser (Whale Coast Branch)
Bekker (Durban Branch)
Derrick Page (Cape Town)
Honorary Treasurer Carol Havenga
National Secretary Marianne Mostert
Chairman Gavin Lavis
Vice Chairman Jeanette van Zyl
Treasurer Ronell Opperman
Secretary Freda Garzouzie
Tel:+27 74 603 4430
Email: [email protected]
Chairman Nick Havenga
Vice Chairman Kevin Sampson
Treasurer Carol Havenga
Secretary Vacant
Tel:082 876 6150
Email: [email protected]
Chairman Rob Sinclair
Vice Chairman John Bayne
Treasurer John Boardman
Secretary Steve Bekker
Tel:083 655 6532
Email: [email protected]
Chairman Roelf Rossouw
Vice Chairman Dave Tayler
Treasurer Devon Cardases
Secretary Marjorie Malan
Tel:073 186 7761
Email: [email protected]
Chairman Ray Ledlie
Vice Chairman Bruce Harrison
Treasurer Jeff Earle
Secretary Martin Urry
Tel:083 229 8517
Email: [email protected]
Chairman Christo du Toit
Vice Chairman Dave Alexander
Treasurer Jacques de Lange
Secretary Linda du Toit
Tel:072 490 0710
Email: [email protected]
Chairman Johnny Ralph
Vice Chairman Carl Volker
Treasurer Victor Liebenberg
Secretary Phyllis Ralph
Tel:082 568 8644
Email: [email protected]
Chairman Andre Nortje
Vice Chairman Toffa Hattingh
Treasurer Lientjie Langenhoven
Secretary Catryn le Roux
Tel:015 799 2247
Email: [email protected]
Chairman Marius van Wyk
Vice Chairman Stephan Jansen van Vuuren
Treasurer Stephan Jansen van Vuuren
Secretary Stephan Jansen Van Vuuren
Tel:+27 83 271 0204
Email: [email protected]
Chairman Vacant
Vice Chairman Vacant
Treasurer Vacant
Secretary Steve Bekker
Tel:083 655 6532
Email: [email protected]
Chairman Koos Janse van Rensburg
Vice Chairman Anton Knoetze
Treasurer Acting: John Wesley
Secretary Vacant
Tel:084 545 5502
Email: [email protected]
Chairman Sean Moorhouse
Vice Chairman Mark Kelbrick
Treasurer Sandra Fraser
Secretary James Canepa
Tel:082 893 2255
Email: [email protected]
Chairman Bill de Pinho
Vice Chairman Phillip Gouws
Treasurer Carol Havenga
Secretary Jaap Rossouw
Tel:012 651 5922
Email: [email protected]
Chairman Vacant
Vice Chairman Vacant
Treasurer Vacant
Secretary Vacant
Tel:015 577 2215
Email: [email protected]
Chairman Arthur Keefe
Vice Chairman Nico Nysschen
Treasurer Angie Bate
Secretary Angie Bate
Tel:(018) 478-9761
Email: [email protected]
Chairman Andy Ranger
Vice Chairman Gerda Tallie
Treasurer Charlie Niemand
Secretary Gerda Tallie
Email: [email protected]
Chairman Marthie Visser
Vice Chairman Johan Pentz
Treasurer André Pentz
Secretary Johan Pentz
Tel:079 528 6499
Email: [email protected]
Lt Genl A.M. Muller, SSAS, SD, SM, SALM (Retired)
Lt Genl W.H. Hechter, SSAS, SD, SM, MMM, SALM (Retired)
Lt Genl R.J. Beukes, SD, SM, MMM, SALM (Retired)
Mr B. Hersov, DMS
Lt Genl C. Gagiano, SM, SAAF (Retired).
Lt Gen F Z Msimang psc (j), ensp
Lt Gen W.S. Mbambo, psc (j),
Military Despatches a website for the military enthusiast
Buccaneers of 24 Squadron - Johan Conradie
The V-Boys of Margate by Roger Makings (2014)
The Silent Enemy: How PTSD Damages our Soldiers
2011 Zwartkop Air Show
A B-17 Flying Fortress called All American
Amazing Engineering - Madeira Airport Runway
CESSNA 152 for the SAAF Museum
First RAF Sunderland Flight to Greenland
For the Africa Star
My year on the wing
Oldest Boeing Airliner in flying condition
Phyllis Doreen Dunning
Piggyback Hero
The Coelacanth Flight - 1952
The Tale of Two Stories
Virginia Air Show 2012
Beyond the Edge of the Sky - Crow Stannard
Buccaneers of 24 Squadron - Johan Conradie
Coastal Strike - John Clements with Graeme Gibson
Commanding Heights - Roy Andersen
Facta Nostra Vivent - Andrew Embleton
In All Weather - Peter Chapman
My small segment of World War II - Alex Reith
Nick's War - Nick Lithgow
Special Forces - Peet Coetzee
Spitfires Rampant - Bill Tatham
The Rhodesian Command Dakota - Laurence (Flo) Hill
Warriors of the Sky - Peter Bagshawe
We Conquer from Above - Paul J Els
Wings over Langebaanweg - Andrew Embleton
My Dad and the Condor - Danie van der Spuy
Paul Lee's Talk on Antarctica
Legends Air Show 2017
RIAT Air Show 2018 - Stefaan Bouwer
APRIL - RAF Memorial Service, Bays Hill, April
APRIL - Gunner's Association Service, Potchefstroom
MAY - SAAF Museum Air Show, Swartkop
MAY - SA Air Force Memorial Service, Bays Hill, Pretoria. 10h00
MAY - Smuts Memorial Service, Irene, Pretoria. 15h00
MAY - Heritage Foundation Wreath Laying Ceremony, SADF Wall of Remembrance, Voortrekker Monument.
DECEMBER - The Victory Cup Golf Day, Royal Port Alfred Golf Club
JUNE - SAPPERS Memorial Service
SSA Korean War Veterans Memorial Service, Air Force Memorial, Bays Hill, Pretoria
Regular Force Medical Continuation Fund Booklet
Travel Claim Form
Personal Information Update Form
Please contact your Branch Committee to resolve any queries/uncertainties
Please contact our secretary at Head Office to get the latest prices for SAAFA Regalia on offer to members (Tel: 012 651 5921 or 012 351 2116 Email: [email protected])